Shaken Baby Syndrome SBS

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First Aid Saskatoon provides workplace approved CPR AED training courses for all employment sectors and levels. This particular blog focuses on those in the infant care sector but general education on this scenario may help prevent such an event from taking place. This topic is covered in detail and with hands-on training in workplace approved childcare first aid courses which are offered through Saskatoon First Aid.

Shaken baby syndrome occurs when someone shakes a baby (usually 6 weeks to 4 months of age) to prevent them from crying but has taken place from babies to young children until the age of 5. By shaking the baby with such vigor, it may cause brain swelling or preventing oxygen from reaching brain cells. Other indicators include fractures of the skull, ribs or bones in the arms/legs as well as bruising in the face or mid body section. This may cause life-threatening injuries to occur and babysitters, parents and caregivers must be aware of the danger of shaken baby syndrome and the serious outcomes of such an event. As some say there was no intent to harm the child, it is disturbing to note that shaken baby syndrome is the most prevalent cause of infant mortality in North America and is known for causing the most amount of long-term disability among infants and young children as a result of physical abuse. Signs and symptoms of spinal injuries might be slow to develop but are nevertheless serious. They may include changes in consciousness and behaviour, severe pain/pressure, loss of feeling,  numbness or tingling, unusual position of neck or back, heavy bleeding from neck or back, seizures, problems breathing, loss of bladder/bowel movements and shock. By recognizing and educating the public about shaken baby syndrome and spinal injuries, we will better equip ourselves on how to properly react and handle such scenarios. Quicker treatment will help prevent serious injuries so if you did notice such an event, do not wait and merely observe the situation. You should immediately contact emergency medical professionals and notify them of the situation. To obtain workplace approved CPR AED certification from our training courses please contact First Aid Saskatoon.

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