Am I allergic to fiberglass?

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An allergic reaction to fiberglass occurs after handling fiberglass insulation. An allergy triggers contact dermatitis on the skin and breathing issues once the small-sized particles are inhaled. The signs and symptoms range from mild to severe.

What are the usual reactions to fiberglass?

Itchiness and rashes

Directly handling fiberglass can trigger an allergic reaction that causes the skin to become red and itchy. The skin might even break out into reddened rashes that spreads along the area that was exposed to the fiberglass.

Fiberglass allergy
Directly handling fiberglass can trigger an allergic reaction that causes the skin to become red and itchy.

One of the ideal ways to prevent these reactions is to use shirts with long-sleeves, pants and gloves. Nevertheless, if the small particles of fiberglass break off and go under the clothing, it can trigger a reaction.

Respiratory issues

If the fine particles of fiberglass are inhaled, it can trigger an allergic reaction as well. In most cases, asthma-like symptoms start such as wheezing and difficulty breathing.

There are also episodes of coughing that makes it hard to breathe. In severe cases, it can close off the airways that can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.

Blisters and flaking skin

In severe cases of fiberglass allergy, blisters are likely to develop on the skin. Remember that this can occur if the individual experiences a strong reaction to an irritant or there is extensive exposure.

In such instances, the blisters develop after the rashes have broken out and progressed. This can cause discomfort and pain that entails medical care. Once the blisters have broken out, there is crusting or flaking of the skin.

Those who are prone to develop a severe allergic reaction after being exposed to fiberglass must set an appointment with a doctor. Further assessment is carried out so that appropriate treatment measures can be started.

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