Am I allergic to peppers?

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Peppers are available in different varieties from hot peppers to sweet bell peppers. If an individual is sensitive to one type of pepper, he/she might react to others. Various dishes contain whole peppers or a spice such as chili flakes or ground chili pepper which can also trigger a reaction.

Being familiar with the indications of an allergy to peppers or other forms of food can help identify the issue right away so that treatment can be sought.

Common reactions to peppers


Pepper allergy
The consumption of peppers or other food allergens can trigger digestive tract symptoms such as vomiting, nausea and even diarrhea.

It is important to note that tissue inflammation typically occurs with food allergies. The individual will experience inflammation of the lips, tissue that lines the interior of the mouth or the tongue. Nevertheless, inflammation can manifest in any part of the body including the face, hands or the throat.

A severe allergic reaction can cause inflammation of the tissues around the airway and this can cause difficulty breathing.

Skin reactions

Rash or hives on the skin can develop and this can occur around the mouth or in any part of the body. If the individual directly handled peppers, he/she might end up with a local rash called contact dermatitis. The area might appear red and have thick, raw scales that drain or crust.


The consumption of peppers or other food allergens can trigger digestive tract symptoms such as vomiting, nausea and even diarrhea. In some instances, there is abdominal pain that can range from mild to severe.


If the individual experiences any of these unusual symptoms after eating, a doctor should be consulted. An oral medication can be given to alleviate the inflammation and other symptoms.

In case rashes erupt, the doctor might prescribe a medicated cream to alleviate the irritation. Symptoms such as difficulty breathing, changes in the heart rate and loss of consciousness requires immediate medical care. If these or other severe symptoms occur, bring the individual directly to the nearest emergency department.

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