Appendicitis is characterized by the inflammation and infection of the appendix which is due to a blockage or obstruction. It is important to note that the blockage might arise from the accumulation of mucus, parasites or fecal matter. The appendix is positioned in the lower right side of the abdomen. As a vestigial organ, it has no essential purpose and its function is unknown.
Once an obstruction is present, bacteria rapidly multiplies within the organ. This causes the appendix to become irritated and swollen, resulting to appendicitis.
If treatment is delayed for an swollen appendix, it might rupture and allow the entry of bacteria into the abdomen. The consequential infection is called as peritonitis which necessitates immediate medical care. Remember that a ruptured appendix is a dangerous condition.

What are the indications of appendicitis?
Appendicitis can trigger a variety of symptoms such as:
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- Low-grade fever
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Appetite loss
- Difficulty passing gas
Take note that not all cases have the same symptoms, but it is vital to consult a doctor right away. The appendix might rupture within 48-72 hours after the start of the symptoms.
It is important to bring the individual to a healthcare facility right away if the following symptoms are present:
- Abdominal pain – appendicitis typically involves a gradual start of cramping, dull or aching pain all over the abdomen. As the appendix becomes increasingly swollen and tender, it can irritate the abdominal wall lining which triggers sharp, localized pain in the right lower region of the abdomen.
- Mild fever – fever between 37.2-38 degrees C can arise along with chills. Once the appendix ruptures, the fever might rise.
- Digestive upset – the individual might experience nausea and vomiting along with appetite loss. Constipation or diarrhea can also develop.
What are the indications during pregnancy?
Most of the symptoms of appendicitis strikingly resemble the discomforts of pregnancy. Nevertheless, pregnant women might not always have the distinctive symptoms especially in the late phase.
The developing uterus drives the appendix higher during pregnancy. The pain might arise in the upper abdomen instead of the lower right region. Additionally, pregnant women with appendicitis are likely to suffer from gas, heartburn or alternative episodes of diarrhea and constipation.
More Information / Disclaimer
The information posted on this page on appendicitis is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage sudden medical emergencies including appendicitis by taking a standard first aid course with Saskatoon First Aid.