What is recurrent herpes simplex labialis?

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Recurrent herpes simplex labialis or oral herpes is an infection affecting the mouth. It is brought about by the herpes simplex virus and quite common and highly contagious in nature.

The infection causes the formation of sores and blisters in the mouth, lips, gums or tongue. After an initial infection, the virus remains dormant within the nerve cells of the face. After some time, the virus can reactive and trigger more sores and it becomes recurrent at this point.

The condition is not considered serious but relapses are common. The symptoms might settle without requiring treatment in a few weeks. In case relapses occur, the doctor might prescribe medications.

In case symptoms arise, the blisters might form near or in the mouth in 1-3 weeks after exposure to an infected individual.

What are the causes?

Herpes simplex labialis is due to the herpes simplex virus type-1. An initial infection typically starts before reaching 20 years old. One can acquire the virus from close contact with an infected individual. It can also spread after touching objects with the virus such as utensils, towels, shaving razors and other shared items.

Factors that can trigger a recurrent infection include:

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Stressful event
  • Menstruation
  • Hormonal changes
  • Recent dental work or surgery
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Upper respiratory infection
  • Weakened immune system

What are the indications?

The initial infection might not trigger any symptoms. In case symptoms arise, the blisters might form near or in the mouth in 1-3 weeks after exposure to an infected individual. These blisters might last up to 3 weeks. Generally, a recurrent episode is relatively milder than the initial infection.

The indications of a recurrent episode might include:

  • Sores or blisters on the mouth, nose, lips, tongue or gums
  • Tingling or itchiness close to the lips
  • Burning pain around the blisters
  • Outbreaks of several small-sized blisters that clump together and might be inflamed.

Management of recurrent herpes simplex labialis

Remember that once infected, the HSV-1 remains in the body forever, even if there are no recurrent episodes. The indications of a recurrent episode typically settle within 1-2 weeks without treatment. The blisters later scab and crust over before vanishing.

Home care

The application of an ice pack or warm cloth over the face or pain medications can lower the pain. Some prefer to use the over-the-counter skin creams. However, these creams only shorten the relapse by 1-2 days.

Prescription medication

An oral antiviral medication might be prescribed by the doctor such as acyclovir, valaciclovir or famciclovir to fight the virus. Remember that these medications work better if taken upon experiencing the initial signs of a mouth sore such as lip tingling and before the blisters manifest.

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