Calgary public schools mandate face masks for all K-12 students and teachers

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With the fall semester just weeks away, the Calgary Board of Education and Calgary Catholic School District announced a new safety measure for the upcoming school year amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest measure is using face masks for all students and staff.

Calgary Board of Education mask mandate

In a back-to-school letter to parents, the CBE stated that the face mask mandate will require the use of face coverings in all public areas inside the school, including hallways, learning commons, classrooms, and bathrooms.

In a back-to-school letter to parents, the CBE stated that the face mask mandate will require the use of face coverings in all public areas inside the school.

The mandate is also effective on Calgary Transit and yellow school buses taking students to and from CBE schools.

Exceptions will be made for students that adhere to specific schools’ classroom sizes and class formats.


Check out the available face masks for sales by visiting our face mask sale page.

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