Rib pain can cause a certain degree of discomfort and requires a consultation with a doctor if the individual wants to resume his/her workout routine. The pain has various causes such as swollen cartilage, strained muscle, inflammation of the membrane surrounding the lungs and rib cage, stress fractures, cracked or bruised rib or a slipping rib.
Always bear in mind that the rib pain can occur while breathing deeply, twisting or lying in a prone position. Determining the cause for the pain is vital so that the right type of exercise can be done safely.
Rib sprain
One cause of rib pain is a sprain in the area which occurs if the individual suddenly or awkwardly twists such as during a wrestling match. In most cases, the pain can be intense and occurs right away, but tends to linger for several days or even weeks. The individual is encouraged to get enough rest the days after the sprain and steadily resume exercise with guidance from the doctor. Understandably, this all depends on the degree of the injury.

Bruised or fractured ribs
If the individual sustained a direct strong blow to the chest, he/she might have a bruised or fractured rib. In such cases, the individual should avoid any form of exercise for several weeks or as long as the doctor recommends. With the help of immobilization, it helps with the healing of the injury. Remember that exercise despite the pain will only delay the healing process.
Stress fractures
Engaging in certain sports and activities can result to stress fractures in the ribs. This injury can occur while repeatedly reaching up and overhead such as in tennis or basketball and less commonly in activities that involve twisting motions such as in golf.
Stress fractures are diagnosed with an X-ray or MRI and often require the placement of a sling. The individual should not exercise for 8-10 weeks.
Inflammation and infection
If there is inflammation in the lining of the lungs as well as infection, it can trigger rib pain while breathing. It is not advisable to exercise since it slows down the healing of the infection and can make it even worse.
Inflammation of the cartilage that attaches the ribs to the sternum can lead to pain and tenderness, but considered as a benign condition. On the other hand, if the pain is intense, exercise is not an option since it can affect the range or motion and cause an injury in other parts of the body. The treatment typically involves pain medications and steroid injections to alleviate the rib pain.
Slipped ribs
Rib pain in the lower region can indicate a slipped rib which occurs when the 8th-10th ribs are not properly attached to the sternum or to the rest of the rib cage. The doctor will instruct the individual to avoid any exercises that caused the condition for several weeks. Once the individual is able to resume exercise, it is focused more on core stability and flexibility.