Jalapenos are relished in a variety of Mexican foods for their piquant taste but can also trigger stomach pain among those who have certain digestive issues. It is important to note that not all cases of stomach pain that occur after eating jalapenos are a cause for concern.
Other possible causes for the stomach pain after ingesting jalapenos include irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer or food allergy. The doctor can properly diagnose the exact cause of the stomach pain. It is not ideal to self-treat unless a doctor has been consulted.
Possible causes of stomach pain after eating jalapenos
Irritable bowel syndrome
There are certain foods that can trigger digestive issues if the individual has irritable bowel syndrome. This is a digestive condition that chiefly affects the colon or large intestines. Remember that not all the same foods trigger the symptoms but certain foods are known to commonly irritate the condition.
Dairy products, spicy foods, chocolate and carbonated beverages can result to constipation, chronic diarrhea and stomach pain. The main treatment for the condition involves dietary modification, prescribed medications and stress reduction.
Gas pains
Not all individuals end up with gas from the same foods that are gas forming. The consumption of spicy foods such as jalapenos increases the transit of food in the bowels which increases the gas.
The gas pains develop once gas is trapped in the digestive system which adds pressure on the intestines. The usual symptoms of gas pain include a knotted sensation in the stomach, piercing pain, passing gas and swelling in the abdomen which results to bloating. The gas pains can cause intense pain but relatively harmless.
Food allergy
It is also possible that the individual might have food allergy if he/she develops stomach pain every time jalapenos are eaten. In case the individual has a known allergy to other types of peppers, he/she is likely to be allergic to jalapenos. The other symptoms that can manifest include the following:
- Skin rashes
- Lightheadedness
- Asthma
- Wheezing
- Dizziness
- Nasal congestion
Peptic ulcer
If the individual has peptic ulcer, consuming jalapenos can instigate stomach pain that ranges from minor to intense pain. The development of ulcers is not triggered by ingesting spicy foods such as jalapenos but the symptoms can be instigated by eating spicy foods.
In most cases of ulcers, they are due to an infection in the lining of the digestive system. Individuals who have ulcers must steer clear from spicy foods. Until treatment is started, the individual must avoid consumption of jalapenos or any spicy foods that can trigger heartburn. Ulcers are typically managed with triple antibiotic treatment to eliminate the bacteria responsible for causing the ulcer.