Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD can cause frequent acid reflux. It is important to note that the esophageal muscle becomes weak and allows the stomach acid to back up into the esophagus. The individual can experience heartburn which is a burning sensation in the upper chest and throat or an acidic taste in the back part of the mouth. There are certain foods that can aggravate acid reflux by relaxing the esophageal muscle. The symptoms of GERD can be avoided by adding parsley to salads and dishes or simply chewing on the leaf.
Triggers of acid reflux
Foods that trigger acid reflux include fatty or fried foods, citrus fruits, tomato-based products, chocolate, caffeine or carbonated beverages. An individual might have specific triggers since one trigger might not bother another person. It is important to note that parsley typically works in an acid reflux diet but it is recommended to test it out first to see how the body reacts.
What is the GERD diet?

A diet to protect against acid reflux typically includes fruits, vegetables, lean meat, cereals, fish and low-fat or non-dairy products. Some individuals might consider adding parsley as a side decoration for potatoes and meat.
The flat-leaf parsley can provide a touch of flavor to various cuisines. It is best to try out parsley in a heartburn-friendly salad that features shredded chicken, brown rice and apple. The salad should also include balsamic vinaigrette and toasted walnuts. You can also use a tablespoon of fresh parsley. Remember that parsley goes well with eggs, fish, lentils, pasta, mushrooms, potatoes, peas and zucchini.
Parsley can also help with digestive disorders. Indigestion and other digestive issues can contribute to acid reflux and heartburn. Heavy meals can slow down the digestion and can cause the stomach to secrete more acid to digest the contents.
Parsley can be used to replace mint to freshen up the breath and prevent acid reflux. Some individuals use mint to relieve heartburn only to discover that mint flavoring can trigger acid reflux. Take note that parsley is a healthy alternative. Those who experience frequent acid reflux can contribute to bad breath, thus parsley helps fight both disorders.
What are the benefits?
Parsley contains the amino acid glutamine which possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Glutamine can also help minimize intestinal inflammation and acid reflux. Parsley also works well in an alkaline diet that works by neutralizing acids to promote alkaline balance and prevent heartburn.
When an individual consumes more parsley and other vegetables, the stomach releases less acid. On the other hand, the effectiveness of parsley for inflammation and neutralizing acids has not been well researched. A doctor should be consulted for dietary and medical advice if the individual has GERD or other issues with acid reflux.