Even though protein shakes can provide the body with an added boost of protein, the beverage is not for everybody. Some who drink protein shakes suffer from undesirable effects such as bloating, gas and diarrhea due to the ingredients usually present in the shakes. The component in shakes includes protein, sugar alcohols, milk-based ingredients and fiber. As an alternative, the individual should try out a shake that is made of other ingredients to avoid diarrhea.
Excessive intake of protein
Many individuals acquire most of their protein in their diet and do not actually need the additional protein present in shakes. Individuals who consume several shakes in a day along with a high-protein diet might end up with excess amounts of protein throughout the day, thus causing diarrhea. It is recommended that the individual will only consume 5-9 grams of protein every hour. Women need about 46 grams of protein in a day while men require 56 grams. The protein must make up between 10-35 percent of the calories on a daily basis. If in doubt, a doctor can be consulted regarding the require amount of protein to include in the diet.
Milk allergy or lactose intolerance
It is important to note that protein shakes are often based on ingredients from milk such as casein and whey. If an individual is allergic to milk or intolerant to lactose, these ingredients can lead to diarrhea. When it comes to allergies, it can trigger a severe reaction which includes congestion, swelling, vomiting, shortness of breath, nausea, fainting or lightheadedness. The individual should opt for non-dairy shakes to avoid these reactions.
If an individual continues to experience diarrhea with protein shakes, it is best to consult a doctor so that allergy testing can be carried out to determine if the individual is truly allergic to one of the components present in protein shakes. It is also recommended to enroll in a class on first aid today so that you are prepared with what to do during an allergic response.
Types of carbohydrates
There are certain types of carbohydrates present in some types of protein shakes that can trigger diarrhea. Increasing the intake of fiber with protein shakes high in fiber can cause gas, diarrhea and bloating. Some protein shakes also include sugar alcohols that could not be readily digested by some individuals.
Considerations to bear in mind
Based on studies conducted, it was discovered that many protein drinks and powder are contaminated with heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. Extended exposure to these heavy metals can increase the risk for health issues including organ damage. With this in mind, it is best to obtain protein from foods that do not contain heavy metals such as yogurt, milk, eggs, poultry and red meat. It is best to opt for low-fat options of these high-protein foods to achieve the best results.