If an individual has been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome or suspects that one is developing, it is time to take a look at the available treatment options. The preventive methods for carpal tunnel syndrome are part of a comprehensive treatment and should be exercised by the individual during and after the recovery.
Determining the cause
The initial step in managing and preventing carpal tunnel syndrome is to understand what caused it. There are several general causes of repetitive stress injuries that can be considered as contributing factors for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Performing constant finger and wrist movements or utilizing vibrating equipment can also increase the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Take note that certain professions require repetitive movements of the wrist, thus puts them at high risk for developing the condition.
How to stop the stress
The next step in the treatment and prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome is to instruct the individual to stop performing these tasks or make the necessary corrections on the posture. When working in a computer, it is recommended to set up an ergonomically sound work station. Always ensure that ergonomics is maintained in order to maintain a natural wrist position when working and take frequent breaks. If vibration is a factor, utilize a vibration absorbing pad or specific type of glove or simply change the grip on tools to one that better fits the hand.
Maintain a healthy wrist
Part of the treatment and prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome is to utilize proper body mechanics in all activities where the wrist is used especially in the workplace or during daily activities.
The individual should also stay fit and healthy. Maintain a healthy weight and good cardiovascular health through regular exercise. Always bear in mind that a strong body is more resilient against potential stressors that causes these conditions.
Professional treatment
Once preventive measures are not enough, the doctor might recommend these treatment options. These treatment options should be started once instructed by a healthcare professional.
- Wrist splints to help immobilize the wrist
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help manage the pain
- Exercise and physical therapy
- Surgery
Carpal tunnel syndrome is considered as one of the uncommon repetitive stress injuries in which surgery is the only option for relief. Since carpal tunnel syndrome is triggered by irritation of the carpal tunnel, an individual with a small-sized carpal tunnel will also cause issues.
If an individual is genetically predisposed to have a small carpal tunnel, he/she might have not enough room for everything to fit in. If this is the case or there is nerve damage, surgery is a viable option. Take note that surgery in this case typically involves opening up of the carpal tunnel by slicing the transverse carpal ligament, thus relieving pressure placed on the median nerve.