Chronic hives: What you can do at home

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Chronic hives can cause itchiness and discomfort. If an individual has this skin condition, it is managed for weeks at a time with the objective to find relief even for a brief period of time. Medications can be used but lifestyle changes are also beneficial.

How to prevent dryness

Scratching the skin can cause the development of hives. Remember that dry skin can become itchy. It is vital to maintain proper moisture of the skin by:

  • Applying a mild, fragrance-free soap
  • Use a humidifier
  • Limit the baths and showers taken to 10 minutes
    Chronic hives
    If an individual breaks out, you have to soothe the area by applying a warm compress to shrink the blood vessels and reduce the swelling.
  • Moisturize after a bath

Soaps are not generally believed to trigger hives but some soaps can cause a drying effect.

How to soothe the skin with hives

If an individual breaks out, you have to soothe the area by applying a warm compress to shrink the blood vessels and reduce the swelling.

Hives develop due to a reaction within the body, thus using salves or creams will not help. Anti-itch products that contain 1% menthol in aqueous cream can provide relief.

In a study conducted, daily high dosage of vitamin D can alleviate the hives. Just remember to consult a doctor first before starting using any supplements.

Watch out for potential triggers

It is important to determine possible triggers such as the following:

  • Alcohol – aside from worsening the hives, it will not mix well with medications being used to treat the skin. Drinking alcoholic beverages while using antihistamines can cause drowsiness.
  • Aspirin and NSAIDs – pain medications such as naproxen and ibuprofen can instigate or even cause hives. If an individual has to use an over-the-counter pain medication, acetaminophen can be used.
  • Heat – the individual should stay in a comfortable room. If an individual is experiencing episodes of hives, it is best to avoid engaging in any form of physical activity.
  • Tight clothing – it is vital to avoiding anything that rubs on the welts or placing pressure on them. Try wearing loose-fitting, lightweight clothes and choose those that are made out of material that will not trigger irritation. Wool and other itchy fabrics will cause irritation and starts the urge to scratch.

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