Cosmetic allergy is likely to affect women since many apply various products on the face and other parts of the body. Contact dermatitis due to cosmetic allergy is considered common since many apply various chemicals to the skin, hair and the scalp on a daily basis.
In most cases, the allergic rash can manifest on the skin where the product was applied but sometimes the rash can occur on a different part of the body. It is possible for an allergy to a particular substance to develop years after using the product without any previous reactions.
Can fragrances trigger symptoms of cosmetic allergy
Fragrances are the usual trigger for contact dermatitis due to cosmetic allergy. The rashes can develop on the neck in a manner that is consistent with spraying the perfume on the area such as the neck or the face. Avoiding the use of fragrances can be hard and using products labelled as “unscented” can be misleading since a masking fragrance might be included.

It is recommended to opt for products that are labelled as “fragrance-free” that can be tolerated by individuals who have contact dermatitis triggered by fragrances. The fragrances might also be present in shampoos, perfumes, conditioners, moisturizers, cosmetics, fabric softeners and laundry detergents. Due to the large amount of substances that might contain fragrances as well as inappropriate labelling, it is best to avoid these products to eliminate the trigger.
Hair products
Several hair products can trigger contact dermatitis. The common chemicals in these products include phenylenediamine in hair dyes, glyceryl thioglycolate in permanent wave solutions and cocamidopropyl betaine in bath products and shampoos. It is common for reactions to trigger contact dermatitis on the eyelids, face, back and neck before the scalp is involved.
Cosmetic allergy can also be triggered by preservatives found in cosmetics and hygiene products. Most of these preservatives include formaldehyde. The other preservatives that do not contain formaldehyde include thimerosal, parabens and isothiazolinone.
Fingernail coating
The reactions to the acrylic coatings on fingernails can also trigger contact dermatitis as a symptom of cosmetic allergy. The reactions can occur on the fingers, eyelids and the face. Many individuals who utilize cosmetics on the fingernails might touch their eyelids and face without realizing it. The common chemicals include formaldehyde-based resins and acrylates.
Take note that these chemicals are widely used in professional nail salons but might also be present in nail polish particularly those that claim to include nail strengtheners and top coats. It is vital to check the ingredients on the product first before buying any nail polish or coating if the individual experiences contact dermatitis to formaldehyde-resins or acrylates.