Facial fractures involve any injury that results to damaged bones in the face. Various scenarios can result to facial fractures. Vehicular accidents, falls, sports injuries and assaults are the usual causes for the injury, but gunshot wounds and stabbings are also counted as well.
Remember that you should be concerned when it comes to other injuries associated with facial fractures. There are other body parts that might be damaged as well especially from vehicular accidents.
What are the indications?
Even though certain symptoms are specific for the fractured bone, some are common to any bone fracture. These symptoms might indicate a soft tissue injury such as:
- Swelling
- Pain
A doctor should be consulted by those who have facial fractures and other significant injuries. - Bruising
When to seek medical care
A doctor should be consulted by those who have facial fractures and other significant injuries. The individual should consult a doctor or bring him/her to the nearest emergency department. In case of serious trauma, call for emergency assistance right away.
If the following symptoms are present, seek immediate medical care:
- Nosebleed
- Difficulty breathing
- Drainage of clear nasal fluid
- Visual disturbances such as blurred or double vision
- Loss of consciousness
- Hearing issues
- Inability to close the teeth together
- Pain during jaw movement
- Altered sensation on the face
- Face appears uneven
- Open wounds with protruding bone
Self-care measures
Treatment at home is usually inadequate until a doctor can be seen.
- Apply an ice pack on the area to reduce the pain and swelling
- Place direct pressure on any bleeding areas.
Preventive measures
It is important to note that these measures are often linked with alcohol consumption and assault, vehicular accidents and while playing sports.
Seatbelts should always be used while driving and use appropriate protective gear while playing sports.
More Information / Disclaimer
The information posted on this page on facial fractures is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage broken bones including on the face by taking a standard first aid course with Saskatoon First Aid.