A green tongue might be an indication of various serious health conditions. Generally, it is important to note that the tongue has a pink or red appearance with a smooth texture.
What are the possible causes?
A green tongue might have various causes. Oftentimes, a green tongue starts as white in appearance but changes to green over time after drinking, eating or using certain medications.
Geographic tongue
Generally, this condition involves the formation of harmless lesions on the tongue that changes color. Primarily, the lesions appear reddened with elevated white borders, but these might change to green after some time.
Hairy tongue syndrome

Hairy tongue syndrome develops if a certain type of cell on the tongue does not shed normally. In addition, this results to a rough or “hairy” appearance which serves as a site for yeast and bacteria to thrive.
Oral thrush
There is excess growth of yeast on the tongue and interior of the mouth. The fungus appears white but can result to a green tongue over time as the infection sets in.
Lichen planus
This is a rash-like condition that leads to a discolored tongue. In most cases, lichen planus on the tongue appears as white color. Furthermore, it might change to green if yeast or bacteria thrives on it, eating certain foods or beverages or using certain products.
Oral cancer
Oral cancer can trigger growths and lesions on the tongue that changes color if yeast or bacteria grows on it, consuming certain foods or beverages or using certain products.
Management of a green tongue
The treatment for a green tongue is based on the cause. Generally, the cause is fungi, bacteria or yeast. In such cases, the treatment might include antifungal drugs such as:
- Clotrimazole
- Fluconazole
- Itraconazole
- Nystatin
Some of the home remedies that can help the tongue recover from a fungal, bacterial or yeast overgrowth include:
- Brushing the teeth softly to avoid irritating the mouth lesions
- Replace the toothbrush daily until the infection settles
- Avoid using sprays or mouthwashes
- Rinse the mouth with a saltwater solution
- The blood sugar level must be maintained if diagnosed with diabetes
- Eat plain yogurt to restore the balance of good bacteria in the body
If the green tongue is due to inflammation, the treatment might include:
- Corticosteroids to lessen the inflammation
- Over-the-counter pain medications
- Antihistamines to reduce the inflammation or stop an allergic reaction
Additionally, if green tongue is due to inflammation, it is vital to avoid foods and beverages that can irritate the mouth.