How to assist a drowning individual

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A drowning individual is usually in a state of panic unless they are already unconscious. In case you have to rescue a drowning individual who is still coherent, you should be careful not to put yourself in danger while attempting a rescue. It is important to carefully assess the scenario and whether you are capable to pull out a rescue.

Rescuing an unconscious individual

  • In case there are others with you, request one to call for help or call emergency assistance right away.
  • Try to reach the drowning individual as quickly as possible. The quicker you will reach the individual, the greater chance for his/her survival.
  • Once the individual is taken to a dry spot, position him/her on his/her back and as much as possible avoid moving his/her head or neck.
  • You have to listen and look for signs of breathing. In case the individual has a pulse present, perform rescue breathing. You have to deliver one breath every 6-8 seconds. If the individual does not have a pulse and not breathing, immediately start CPR. If you want to learn how to perform CPR properly, click here.
  • Reassess the individual every few minutes until the medical team arrives and takes over the scene.

Rescuing a conscious individual

Try to reach the drowning individual quickly and safely as possible.
  • If the drowning individual is conscious, he/she is in the state of panic, thus it is a challenging task. You have to take precautions for your own safety if you are going to rescue the individual. In case there is someone with you, request him/her to call for emergency assistance.
  • Try to reach the drowning individual quickly and safely as possible. In case the individual has a suspected neck or spinal injury, keep him/her in the water as long as it is not freezing or dangerous. You have to carefully float the body on top of the water until help arrives on the scene.
  • Inform the individual that you are trying to help out. If you do not suspect a spinal or head injury, take the individual to dry land and assess the scenario.
  • If the individual is spitting up water, turn him/her on the side or also called as the recovery position.
  • If possible, transport the individual to the emergency department at the nearest hospital. If not, you have to wait until the medical team arrives.
  • Reassess the scenario every few minutes until the medical team arrives.
  • Once the individual goes into cardiac arrest, immediately start CPR.

Important considerations to bear in mind

For conscious individuals, you can throw a rope or device aid to help pull him/her in. If you swim to the drowning individual, you have to be careful by checking first the scene and check your safety. Do not attempt to rescue if you are not an experienced swimmer or you will risk your own safety as well as the drowning individual.

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