Bedbugs are reddish-brown bugs that is the same size as an apple seed. These bugs feed on blood by biting when people are sleeping. They feed in less than 10 minutes and hide again. Luckily, they are not known to transmit diseases but can trigger itchiness and allergic reactions.
Bedbugs are typically found in:
- Baseboards
- Mattresses
- Curtains
- Upholstered furniture
- Carpets or rugs
What are the signs?
When bedbugs bite, one will not feel anything. After being bitten, the site might:
- Turn reddened, often with a darkened, reddened spot in the middle
- Itchiness
Some do not experience any reaction at all to the bedbug bites while others end up with an allergic reaction that includes blisters, hives or itchiness.
There are several bites forming a line on the skin where several bedbugs fed. Some do not experience any reaction at all to the bedbug bites while others end up with an allergic reaction that includes blisters, hives or itchiness.
Management of bites from bedbugs
The itchy reddened bites by bedbugs typically settle within 1-2 weeks. It is important not to scratch the site. If scratched, the skin might break open which increases the risk for an infection.
If a bite became infected, a doctor must be seen. Medications might be given to manage the infection.
For a mild reaction to the bites, the following measures can be used:
- Prepare a paste of 3 teaspoons baking soda with a teaspoon of water. Once thoroughly mixed, rub on the site of the bites.
- Apply a cool, moist towel or cloth or ice pack wrapped with a towel on the site for 15-20 minutes at least 3-4 times throughout the day.
- Dab on a hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion on the site to reduce the itchiness and swelling. If the itchiness persists, provide an oral antihistamine.