The ideal treatment of hip bursitis or any form of bursitis is focused on controlling the inflammation. Just like with any treatment, it is vital to consult a doctor before starting any specific treatment.
Treatment measures for hip bursitis
Getting enough rest
This requires a period of time away from physical activities that can worsen the symptoms. Generally, any activity that triggers pain must be avoided since these can contribute to the inflammation of the bursa.
Anti-inflammatory medications
Anti-inflammatory medications work by controlling the inflammation linked with hip bursitis. These medications are beneficial in managing the pain as well as reducing the inflammation.
Cold therapy

The application of an ice pack on the area of hip bursitis often alleviates the symptoms. If applied after physical activity, the cold can control the inflammation and promote the flow of blood to the affected area.
Aspiration of the bursa
In some individuals who develop large amounts of fluid that gathered inside the bursa, the doctor will utilize a needle to remove the fluid. This is rarely required in most cases of the condition but when it is performed, it can be combined with a cortisone shot.
Cortisone shot
An injection of cortisone can be administered into the bursa of individuals who experience pain. The cortisone injection is beneficial since it is both a diagnostic and therapeutic measure. In cases in which the hip bursitis might be one of the diagnoses considered, cortisone can be administered to check if the shots can alleviate the symptoms.
Once the initial symptoms are controlled, strengthening and stretching exercises are useful as part of physical therapy.
Stretching and physical therapy
Many individuals achieve relief by stretching the muscles and tendons on the exterior of the hip particularly the iliotibial band. As long the muscles and tendons are properly conditioned, they glide easily and will not lead to hip bursitis. Special care must be given so that the right stretching technique is carried out.
Guidance by a physical therapist is an essential part of treatment for individuals with hip bursitis. The right stretching and exercise program can be implemented as well as utilize modalities such as ultrasound.
Is surgery required?
Surgical intervention for hip bursitis is not usually needed and most cases who comply with proper treatment can recover within 6 weeks. Individuals who do not rest from activities until the inflammation diminishes often end up with recurrent symptoms. In addition, if the individual resumes activity too aggressively, it can also lead to the recurrence of the symptoms.