Old Navy and IFR Workwear awarded with a contract to make face masks

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Alberta has placed two orders for 1.7 million face masks for students as they return to in-person classes this fall. The contracts valued at a total of $4.2 million were placed with Old Navy and IFR Workwear.

Old Navy is a clothing company owned by U.S. multinational The Gap. It brought in $4 billion in revenue last year. IFR is a family-owned business founded in 2005 and based in north Red Deer.

Some recently questioned the ability of the provincial government to purchase the needed number of face masks in time for the start of K-12 classes this September.

Alberta has placed two orders for 1.7 million face masks for students as they return to in-person classes this fall.

When a decision on how students would return to class was announced on July 21, a decision on face masks was still pending. With this in mind, Alberta Education and the Provincial Operations Centre began preparing in case masks were made mandatory.

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