Wrist tendonitis is a sore condition triggered by inflammation or injury of the tendons in the wrist joint. It is important to note that the tendon is a group of durable fibrous tissue. The tendon is attached firmly to the muscle fibers and the other end tendon is linked to the bone.
The tendon anchors the muscles to bone so that it contracts against the bone. During muscular contractions, the tendon tugs the bone towards the contracting muscles. The tendons that support the wrist joint are found in front of the wrist joint and behind. The tendons found in the front part are called the flexor tendons and those at the back are the extensor tendons.

What are the possible causes?
The usual causes of wrist joint tendonitis include the following:
Traumatic injuries
The injuries cause damage to the tendon that often results to inflammation which includes:
- Direct impact
- Twisting and turning of the joint
- Strong flexion or extension of the wrist
- Injury of the tendon after it becomes inflamed
- Spread of infection from cellulitis
- This often occurs as a workplace accident especially those who utilize vibrating equipment.
Repetitive movements
- The repeated movement of the wrist while using a keyboard from continuous typing can cause the condition
What are the indications?
- Wrist joint pain that intensifies during increased movement
- Muscle spasms in the forearm and hand after severe pain and joint movement
- Stiffness of the joint which triggers difficulty in flexion or extension of the joint
- Difficulty in flexing or extending the joint depending on the injury or degree of inflammation
- Intense pain when changing position such as sitting to standing position or moving in and out of a vehicle.
The conservative treatment for wrist joint tendonitis include the following:
- Adequate rest
- Application of heat or cold therapy
- Exercising the forearm and hand muscles