Possible health issues from sodium nitrate

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Sodium nitrate has been added to various food products such as jerky, bacon and luncheon meats to preserve and lengthen their shelf life. Unfortunately, there are potential health risks linked with the ingestion of substantial amounts of this substance that makes it necessary to limit any form of exposure.

It is recommended to replace meats that contain high amounts of sodium nitrate with lean turkey, chicken and beef to minimize consumption as well as protect overall health.

Type 2 diabetes

Consumption of processed meats that contain sodium nitrate on a regular basis can put an individual at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes. It is important to note that the nitrates present in sodium nitrate can minimize tolerance to glucose which increases the possibility of developing diabetes.

Sodium nitrate
When the diet of the individual includes excess sodium nitrate, detrimental symptoms will surely manifest such as dizziness and headache.

Type 2 diabetes has symptoms such as weight loss, increased thirst, fatigue, increased hunger and blurred vision. If not properly treated, it can be life-threatening. Reducing the intake of hot dogs, deli meat and bacon can reduce the risk.

Heart diseases due to sodium nitrate

If foods that contain the substance are part of daily life, it increases the risk for developing heart diseases. The salt content in sodium nitrate can increase the likelihood for heart disease but the nitrate is responsible for causing damage to the heart.

Take note that it can damage the blood vessels surrounding the heart which causes them to constrict and harden. This makes it likely for the individual to develop heart diseases.


If the individual has a diet comprised of foods that contain sodium nitrate, it increases the risk for developing certain types of cancer. Consumption of excessive amounts puts the individual at risk for developing stomach cancer. The reaction of the stomach once the acid is mixed with sodium nitrate can heighten the risk.

It is vital to reduce the intake of sodium nitrate while increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits to cut down the risk for developing stomach cancer as well as other types associated to sodium nitrates.

Intestinal and neurological issues

When the diet of the individual includes excess sodium nitrate, detrimental symptoms will surely manifest such as dizziness and headache. The ingestion of sodium nitrate also increases the risk for convulsions and even mental disorders.

The substantial amounts of sodium nitrate can lead to gastroenteritis, blood-streaked diarrhea and abdominal pain. In case of prolonged exposure, it can lead to erratic breathing, rapid heart rate and even coma.


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