It is vital for individuals who have eczema and their loved ones to fully understand how to properly take care of the skin since using the wrong moisturizer or soap can trigger flare-ups that are painful or itchy. Nevertheless, using the correct moisturizer or soap can help ease the inflamed skin or prevent flare-ups. In addition, proper care must be taken to avoid infection especially if the skin is broken due to scratching.
Close look on eczema
Generally, individuals who have eczema possess leaky skin. It simply means that the barrier of their skin does not work well.
Anything that is applied on the skin penetrates into the deeper strata that stimulate the immune system. The skin is more likely to lose water as well as the natural oils that normally moisturize and keep it supple. Take note that these changes can cause the skin to dry up than normal and become more sensitive to anything that comes in contact with the skin.

Is water good or bad?
If you think that placing water on the skin can moisturize, think again. It is important to note that plain water that comes in contact with the skin evaporates and strips away the natural oil in the skin called the natural moisturizing factor (NMF).
If the skin is constantly exposed to water, it dries up unless the natural oils are replaced. On the other hand, the skin has to come in contact with water when bathing and washing hands. There are certain guidelines to follow when it comes to water contact.
- The water temperature should be tepid (hot water will strip away more oil than cooler water)
- The length of contact should be short
- Use antibacterial gels when washing hands since they do not dry out the skin
- When drying off, pat the skin dry using a towel until the skin is not dripping anymore. Avoid rubbing the skin vigorously.
- Utilize a good moisturizer on the skin right after contact with water.
Suitable soaps for eczema
The effect of soap on the skin is not beneficial for those who have eczema. Most soap particularly bar soaps can dry out the skin. As for liquid cleansers, they are less damaging on the skin than the bar soaps. You can utilize an emollient-rich liquid-based cleanser that leaves on a moisturizing effect on the skin once the soap is rinsed off.
Moisturizers for eczema
It is not only important to use a moisturizer often, but make sure that the individual will use one that does not contain fragrances, perfumes or essential oils since these can cause irritation on eczema-prone skin.
Moisturizers for scaly eczema is a good option if the individual does not have a lot of flaking without a flare since they can sting if applied over open areas on the skin.
For a low cost option, emollient moisturizers can be used especially in the middle of a flare-up since it will not cause any irritation.
The latest ceramide moisturizers can help the skin heal rapidly during a flare-up but the low-cost options were not proven to be effective. For those who can afford these moisturizers, they are the best option with or without a flare.