A stomach ulcer is described as an open sore that develops within or on a body tissue. Remember that the kind of ulcer which triggers pain in the abdominal area is known as a peptic ulcer. Peptic ulcers frequently develop on the interior coating of the stomach but then again, can also disrupt the higher part of the small intestines or esophagus. It is important to note that peptic ulcers are considered quite common and effects adults at some point in their lives.
What are the types?
Peptic ulcers are categorized into three sub-types depending on the area of the digestive tract affected. When it comes to gastric ulcers, it is a type of peptic ulcer that develops in the stomach. As for duodenal ulcers, it develops in the initial part of the small intestine which is the duodenum. When it comes to esophageal ulcers, it develops in the inferior part of the esophagus right above the stomach.
What are the possible causes?
The usual cause of stomach ulcers is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. The bacteria normally thrive in the mucous layer that lines the stomach and intestines. It multiples in the mucosal lining and does not trigger any issues. In some cases, the bacterium multiplies to an extent that it interferes with the mucous layer and causes inflammation.

Once the mucosal layer is inflamed, it allows the development of a peptic ulcer. Other possible causes of stomach ulcers include the constant usage of over-the-counter pain medications, alcohol abuse and smoking. Although stress was previously considered as the cause of peptic ulcers, it has been refuted. On the other hand, stress can worsen the symptoms of a stomach ulcer.
What are the symptoms?
The usual symptoms of a stomach ulcer include burning abdominal pain that spreads from the breastbone down to the belly button. Take note that the pain is initially triggered by the ulcer but aggravated by the stomach acid that comes in contact with the ulcer.
The pain can last for several minutes up to several hours and typically worse in the middle of the night. Other symptoms include poor appetite, weight loss, burping, bloating, vomiting and nausea.
Stomach ulcers are managed with a combination of medications. In case the peptic ulcer was caused by bacteria, a combination of antibiotics is given to eliminate the bacteria. Other medications include antacids and acid blockers that function by reducing the stomach acid, reduce pain and initiate the healing.
The proton pump inhibitors are medications utilized to minimize the acid in the stomach by deactivating the cells within the stomach which generates the acid. It is vital that the individual will make the necessary lifestyle changes to allow the ulcers to heal. The lifestyle changes include elimination of alcohol from the diet and stop smoking. In addition, it is vital to stop using any over-the-counter pain medications.
Are there possible complications?
If stomach ulcers are not treated, peptic ulcers can lead to internal bleeding that leads to anemia. In case the bleeding is severe, it would require a blood transfusion. Peptic ulcers can also cause the development of a hole in the affected area which puts the individual at risk for developing peritonitis which is a serious abdominal infection.