The knee is a big joint responsible for supporting the weight of the body while walking, standing or engaging in almost any form of movement. Swollen knees can make movement difficulty and can be painful. In some cases, swollen knees occur after an individual exercises. Take note that this is not uncommon but might be an indication that there is a need to modify the routine or minimize the strain placed on the joints.
What are the possible causes of swollen knees?
Swollen knees after an exercise routine can be caused by minor sprains or other inflammatory conditions such as bursitis, tendinitis or arthritis. The ligaments and tendons that support the joints together can end up irritated from tears, overuse or other injuries.
Arthritis is a degenerative condition that triggers localized inflammation, tenderness and joint pain. In case simple care measures could not manage the swelling or the individual consistently experiences symptoms after a workout routine, a doctor should be consulted in order to determine the main cause.

How to manage swollen knees
The application of ice and elevating the affected knee after exercise can help minimize the swelling as well as the tenderness and pain. In most cases, anti-inflammatory medications are relatively safe for many individuals to use. If the individual could not take acetaminophen or ibuprofen, a doctor should be consulted so that alternative treatment measures can be recommended. Depending on the underlying cause of the swelling, the individual might be required to get enough rest for a few days until the swelling and pain subsides.
Proper stretching
Proper stretching prior to an exercise routine loosens up the tendons and muscles, thus minimizing the risk for injury during exercise that can result to swollen knees. The active swelling should be managed before starting a stretching exercise in order to avoid further pain and other complications. Simple knee bending exercises can help maintain flexibility after sustaining an injury. Remember that a swollen knee can feel rigid after several days of limited mobility.
Stretching the calf and hamstrings can help strengthen the tendons and ligaments that support the knee as well as prevent injuries. Some individuals utilize toe walking which is one way in order to stretch out the calves.
You can also support the swollen knees using a compression bandage or wearing an elastic-based knee brace in order to control the degree of swelling that the individual experiences during and after a workout routine.
It is also important to select athletic shoes that can provide adequate support to minimize the degree of pressure placed on the knee during running as well as other sports that are strenuous on the joints. Reduced strain on the knees can minimize the risk for developing overuse injuries that eventually leads to swelling and inflammation.