An individual can end up with swollen toe either only one or several at the same time. Various injuries or medical conditions can lead to a swollen toe. There are prevalent reasons for swelling to occur in the toes which includes injuries, psoriatic arthritis and gout.
The management for a swollen toe tends to vary depending on the cause of the swelling. There are some treatment options that require minimal care while other conditions entail other advanced treatment measures. A doctor should be consulted to determine the exact cause of the swelling before the right treatment can be started.
Steps in managing a swollen toe
- Apply a cold compress such as an ice pack or pack of frozen vegetables in case of injuries to the toes.
- The foot with the swollen toe should be raised or elevated above the level of the heart to minimize the swelling. While the individual lies down, prop his/her foot on cushions or pillows. By allowing the affected foot to rest, it can help reduce the swelling.
Apply a cold compress such as an ice pack or pack of frozen vegetables in case of injuries to the toes. - If a swollen toe is due to a broken toe, it should be taped to an adjacent toe. This method is called as buddy taping which works by stabilizing and supporting the healing toe. You have to apply gauze in between the toes prior to taping to prevent friction as well as irritation on the skin.
- The individual should take the medications given by the doctor to manage any medical conditions responsible for causing the swollen toe. Individuals suffering from psoriatic arthritis can end up with toes that strikingly resemble sausages due to the swelling. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and anti-rheumatic medications can control the condition and minimize the swollen toe.
- The diet should be controlled by eating the right foods. Consuming foods that are high in sodium can cause fluid retention. A swollen toe can develop if fluid retention occurs. Individuals who have gout must modify his/her diet and avoid eating foods packed with purine such as organ meat which can lead to swollen toes.
- The individual should wear shoes that properly fit. Using tight shoes can lead to a swollen toe. Wearing ill-fitting shoes can also lead to the development of neuromas which are benign growths of nerves situated in between 2 toes that occur due to the rubbing action of the toes.
- The affected toe should be massaged to increase the supply of blood to the toes and feet that can help minimize the swelling.
- If there is an ingrown toenail, a doctor should be consulted. An ingrown nail grows into the skin and the surrounding tissue of the nail bed. The usual causes of an ingrown nail can include incorrect nail trimming, hereditary and structure of the foot. The doctor might require digging out of the nail from the skin and properly clip it to minimize the inflammation and avoid tender infections.