It is important to note that nocturnal epilepsy involving the frontal lobe is an inherited condition that usually starts at the age of 8 years old and continues throughout adulthood. Since this occurs during sleep, the individual is often observed to have a seizure. Unless the individual is informed on what is happening, the individual will continue having the condition for many years and wonder why they do not feel adequately rested in the morning and tend to doze off all day. The patterns of a nocturnal seizure are linked with an increased risk for sudden unexplained death in epilepsy as well as injuries sustained from falling.
Manifestation of auras
An aura is basically a sensation that feels like a hallucination or dream that often occurs before a seizure occurs. The aura can be abrupt, unexplainable fear that feels like falling or spinning.
By predicting when a nocturnal seizure will occur will allow time to take the appropriate action. This can be managed by increasing the level of potassium by providing the individual with orange juice or hydrating by drinking water to reduce the concentration of chemicals that cause the seizure activities. If you want to learn how to properly manage the condition, click here.

In some cases, the individual should take a cool shower to lower the body temperature or encourage slow, deep breaths to increase the oxygen supply to the brain. Those who are suffering from nocturnal seizures should sleep in the floor without any pillows or there should be someone to stay with him/her at all times.
It is important to note that animals were reported to alert individuals minutes before a seizure starts by licking or snuggling them.
What are the symptoms of consciousness?
Most cases of seizures start as the individual is falling asleep or waking up. Instead of losing consciousness, these individuals wake from sleep slightly. They describe being aware of what is going on but could not move intentionally, breathe deeply or speak. This difficulty in breathing can be frightening to many in which going to sleep after the seizure is difficult.
What are the motor symptoms?
It is important to note that nocturnal seizures often start with a groan, grunt, gasping or repetition of a word. Shouting and screaming have been reported in some cases but the usual pattern is silence and gasping as if breathing is difficult. In some cases, the individual will sit up when they experience an aura and remain sitting up, making it easier to breathe.
There can also be violent or subtle movement of the legs and arms as well as wandering. It is also important to note that even asymmetric positioning can also occur in which one side of the body tends to curl inward or stretch out from the body.