If an individual sustains a cigarette burn, it is important to provide immediate first aid care in order to prevent infection from developing as well as minimizing the swelling. Always remember that a cigarette burn is not a minor issue that can be ignored, especially when the tingling pain persists for a long time after the initial shock of the burn subsides. Due to the high heat from the lighted end of a cigarette, it burns the epidermal layer of the skin, resulting to scarring if left untreated.
Burns typically heal at a faster rate as long as they are kept clean while the pain is minimized by taking over-the-counter medications for pain. Always remember that cigarette burns must not be treated with ice or oils to minimize the pain since these will only cause infection as well as further increase irritation.
First aid for cigarette burns

The following steps must be performed in case an individual sustains a cigarette burn. Timely delivery of these measures can help prevent further damage.
- The burned area must be placed under cool running water for 5-10 minutes or until the pain subsides. Carefully dry the affected area using a dry towel in order to remove excess moisture.
- Cover the burned area using a cool compress to minimize the pain and swelling. You have to leave the compress on the burn for 10 minutes at a time to reduce irritation.
- Before the application of bandage on the affected area, you have to wash your hands for 30 seconds using warm, soapy water to prevent contaminating the bandage to be used. Apply the bandage over the burned area to keep the burn from bacteria. Take note that the skin is prone to infection if it is left uncovered. Once the bandage is exposed to moisture, you have to change it to prevent the growth of bacteria.
- You have to provide the individual with over-the-counter medications for pain every 4-6 hours for pain relief. Recommended NSAIDs include aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen.
By following these basic care measures for cigarette burns, it can help prevent further damage on the affected area as well as minimize scarring that can be unsightly to see especially if the burns occur on the uncovered parts of the body.
Important tips to bear in mind
When dealing with cigarette burns, it is important to provide timely first aid measures in order to minimize the development of scars as well as prevent infection from developing.
By enrolling in a first aid course, you will learn how to handle different types of burns including a cigarette burn. The information that you will learn from the course will keep you prepared since this type of burn can likely to occur accidentally or negligence.