A pressure ulcer or bedsore is best described as an area of skin that breaks down due to constant pressure placed on the skin. Pressure ulcers are likely to occur on the hips, heels, shoulders, back of the head and the back. An individual is at risk for getting a pressure ulcer if he/she is bedridden, elderly, using a wheelchair or has a chronic condition such as vascular issues or diabetes that results to poor circulation. Take note that urine or bowel incontinence as well as fragile skin will make the condition worse.

First aid care for pressure ulcers
You have to take note of the following first aid measures when dealing with pressure ulcers.
Relieving the pressure
Initially, if pressure ulcer is starting to develop on a particular part of the body, you have to relieve the pressure from the affected area. You can do this by changing the position of the individual frequently and utilize cushions and pillows to relieve the pressure. Check the skin of the individual for reddened areas that do not return to normal color when the position is changed and pressure is relieved. This indicates the first stage of pressure ulcer.
Maintain the cleanliness and moisture of the skin
You have to keep the skin clean all the time and apply lotion often to maintain its moisture. Nevertheless, do not massage the area since the skin is fragile, thus resulting to tissue damage.
Proper cleaning of the affected area
Make sure that the affected area where the pressure ulcer developed is cleaned properly. In case there is a crater or blister in the skin, you have to gently rinse it using saline solution in order to remove the loose dead tissues. Pat the area dry using sterile gauze.
Apply a special gauze dressing specifically made for pressure ulcers since it keeps the ulcer moist as well as the surrounding tissues dry.
Promote proper nutrition to hasten the healing process
If an individual develops pressure ulcers, proper nutrition can help speed up the healing process. Encourage the individual to eat vegetables, fruits and foods rich in protein to supply the building blocks required for the regrowth of the tissues. It is also important to take vitamins and minerals. It is important to consult a doctor regarding the nutrients to take.
Important considerations to bear in mind
Due to the fast progression of pressure sores if not properly treated, it is important to consult a doctor once the early indications of a pressure ulcer are seen. The doctor can provide the appropriate measures to take when treating the ulcers.
Most cases of pressure ulcers can be prevented. If an individual is at risk for pressure ulcers, it is vital to take good care of the skin and change positions frequently. Take note that certain home remedies such as peroxide, cornstarch and iodine can irritate the skin. With this in mind, it is best to consult a doctor regarding creams, ointments or powders that you can use to treat the ulcers. Lastly, it is not advisable to use donut-shaped cushions since they can actually add pressure and will worsen the condition.