Headaches can develop in different parts of the head and can cause mild to severe pain. It is considered as a usual pain complaint and can affect individuals at any age. Many individuals all over the world suffer from chronic headache. The type of pain experienced with headaches tends to vary from dull to severe while the pain can localize to certain parts of the head. Once headaches form in the back of the head, they usually have certain causes that you should be familiar with. By enrolling in a first aid course, you will learn how to manage these types of headaches.
It is a known fact that migraines are considered as a long-lasting headache that can be incapacitating. It can cause intense agonizing pain and neurological disturbance. A migraine can be complemented by auras which are sensual indications that a migraine is about to occur.
A migraine attack can last 6-48 hours and the pain regularly occurs behind the eyes and at the back of the head and neck. The indications of migraines include moderate to severe pain, nausea, throbbing sensation and increased sensitivity to sounds, light and smells. The precise cause of migraines is still undetermined but it is believed by experts that they occur due to the abnormal activity in the brain, environmental conditions, stress and certain foods.

Tension headaches
Tension headaches are considered as the most common type of headache. It usually starts at the back of the head and move forward with symptoms of pressure and tightness. Individuals who suffer from tension headaches usually experience the worse pain at the back of the head and neck as well as the scalp and temples. These occur once the neck or scalp muscles contract or become tensed.
The muscle contractions can occur from stress and muscle tension as well as overexertion, fatigue, illness, caffeine, alcohol use and dental problems. Some individuals can experience either sporadic or lingering tension headaches at some point in their lives.
Rebound headaches
Rebound headaches can develop from frequent use of pain medications. The pain usually involves the entire head or localizes on certain areas of the head, including the back of the head. Take note that these headaches typically occur on a daily basis and last throughout the day. Both over-the-counter and prescription pain medications are responsible for triggering rebound headaches. Individuals who use pain medications more than 10 times every month can develop rebound headaches. The symptoms include throbbing sensation, pain, irritability, restlessness, and anxiety as well as concentration difficulties.
Arthritis headaches
Arthritis headaches regularly can cause pain at the back of the head and neck. The connection between headaches and arthritis depend on the type of arthritis and location. The headache linked to neck issues and vertebrae of the neck often result from arthritis in the spine and neck. Changes in the bone in the structure of the neck and inflammation of the blood vessels of the head can lead to arthritis headache. The pain frequently arises in the back of the head and tends to worsen with movement.