What are the initial symptoms of chronic renal failure?

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Always bear in mind that the kidneys are responsible for maintaining the proper balance of fluid, electrolytes and waste products. The initial symptoms of chronic renal failure can be vague since the disease progresses at a slow rate. It is reported that millions of adults in different parts of the globe suffer from chronic renal failure and many are already in the early stages of the conditions without even knowing it.

Presence of protein in the urine

The reduced renal reserve is the term utilized for the early changes that occur in the functionality of the kidney. The only clinical finding is the presence of protein in the urine with a normal GFR and when the individual has no other symptoms. Unless a random urinalysis is requested, this symptom is usually overlooked.

Reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

Any changes in the laboratory findings are the initial symptoms noted in early chronic renal failure. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the amount of blood the kidneys can filter in a single minute. Healthy kidneys are capable of filtering at least 90 milliliters of blood per minute. Take note that the kidney function is determined based on the GFR of the individual.

During the early stages of chronic renal failure, the GFR stays stable or only slightly diminished. Individuals usually do not have any symptoms until the GFR is drastically reduced. Even a GFR between 60-89 mL/min will only have symptoms that are mild.


Chronic renal failure
A headache can occur and is also considered as a vague symptom.

A headache can occur and is also considered as a vague symptom. This symptom is often attributed to other health issues such as stress, muscle tension, migraines or sinus congestion in which complaints of headache are simply ignored until other serious symptoms manifest. If the headache is accompanied by high blood pressure and fluid retention, a doctor should be consulted so that assessment will be carried to check the kidney function. If you want to properly manage this symptom, click here.

Reduce appetite

If the individual has diminished appetite, it is considered as one of the symptoms of chronic renal failure. This can occur due to the steady increase in the level of nitrogenous wastes in the body due to the inability of the kidney to properly eliminate the waste products from the blood. Take note that this vague symptom can go on for some time before it becomes problematic.

Generalized feeling of illness

Individuals who have the early symptoms of chronic renal failure can complain of a general feeling of illness. In most cases, fatigue and lack of energy are the usual complaints without any possible cause.

Dry and itchy skin

Once the waste products in the body accumulate, it can lead to the development of dry and itchy skin. Individuals will often apply a lotion to help alleviate the issue. When the symptoms become severe, that is the time when the individual will seek medical care.


Just like with diminished appetite, this symptom of chronic renal failure is often attributed to other health issues such as stress, fatigue or a mild illness. Since the early symptoms of chronic renal failure can be vague, they are often restrained.

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