Corn allergy is capable of causing a wide-range of problems for highly sensitive individuals since many food products in the market contain corn starch and corn-based sweeteners. Aside from an allergic reaction that develops after eating corn on the cob, an individual can also get sick after ingesting foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup or using skin care products that contain corn-based additives.
The signs and symptoms of corn allergy typically arise and subside within a few hours without any lingering effects. In rare cases, anaphylactic reactions can develop which causes loss of consciousness and even affect the organ function.
Do I have corn allergy?
Connecting the allergy symptoms to corn might require the individual to carefully check the contents of food and personal care products properly. It is important to note that various sweeteners are derived from corn. Once health issues start to manifest shortly after ingestion or exposure to products that contain fructose, glucose, corn syrup, dextrose or corn sweetener, the individual might have corn allergy. The doctor can determine if an allergic reaction or intolerance are responsible for triggering the health issues.

How corn allergy develops
During an allergic reaction to corn, the immune system wrongly identifies the corn proteins as a threat to the body. The allergy symptoms occur once histamine is released. Take note that this immune system response will occur whenever antibodies it has formed encounters the corn protein. Avoidance of all corn products is the only way to prevent an allergic reaction from developing.
The allergy symptoms develop at the rate of the allergen ingestion and spreads all over the body through the bloodstream. Take note that this natural progression can be disrupted at any time by anaphylaxis which rapidly develops symptoms that are life-threatening or deadly.
What are the effects?
Individuals who utilize skin care products that contain corn components or ingredients can experience a gradual onset of skin symptoms that include a red-colored, itchy rash. Those who consume corn products can experience an itching sensation in the mouth.
These inflammatory indications can eventually progress to swelling which causes sore hives or difficulty swallowing. The digestive symptoms usually start with abdominal pain and nausea as well as vomiting, intestinal cramping and diarrhea. These effects steadily subside as the allergens pass from the body.
Important considerations to bear in mind
The respiratory inflammation might combine with an abrupt drop in the blood pressure to trigger an anaphylactic reaction any time after consumption of corn products. An erratic pulse or difficulty breathing requires immediate emergency assistance. If the individual experiences weakness, difficulty breathing and lightheadedness, they can rapidly progress to loss of consciousness and respiratory arrest. Always bear in mind that any attempt to reintroduce corn into the diet can put the individual at high risk for these potentially deadly effects of corn allergy.