A mallet finger is an injury involving the end of a finger that is flexed inwards towards the palm. There is difficulty in straightening the end of the finger since the tendon linking the muscle to the finger bone is overly stretched or torn.
The finger is also sore and swollen. In some instances, the tendon is not torn but a small-sized piece of bone is taken off the finger where the tendon is linked to. The injury is common in sports and can also occur if the individual catches his/her finger on something.
When to consult a doctor

A doctor must be seen if an individual is suspected with a mallet finger since splinting might be necessary. Once the finger is splinted, apply an ice pack a few times throughout the day for 10-20 minutes to lessen the swelling and discomfort.
Make sure that the hand is elevated until a doctor is seen. This helps in lessening any pain and swelling.
If a ring is worn on the affected finger, it must be removed. Once swelling occurs, it might be hard to remove the ring or it can disrupt with the blood supply to the finger. An over-the-counter pain medication can be given to alleviate the pain.
Management of a mallet finger
The affected finger is positioned in a plastic splint to keep it aligned with the end joint flexed backwards slightly. The splint is secured in place with tape and should be worn for 6-8 weeks to allow both ends of the torn tendon to align and heal. The splint should only be removed for cleaning.
Make sure that the end of the finger does not bend while it is splinted since it can slow down the healing process and lessen the effectiveness of treatment. It is important to note that the middle finger joint is left free to allow it to move to prevent stiffness from developing.
Surgery is only required if the individual has a broken finger, damaged skin or in rare cases where the mallet finger does not heal.
It generally requires 6-8 weeks for the finger to recuperate, after which it can be used again. The individual might be instructed to only use the splint during night time for up to 4 more weeks.
Quick Note / Disclaimer
The material posted on this page on mallet finger is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage this type of finger injury, register for a first aid and CPR course with Saskatoon First Aid.