Femoral nerve damage: Can heat therapy help?

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Femoral nerve damage or neuropathy can be caused by various factors including direct injury or compression of the nerve. When it comes to neuropathy, it is generally damage to a nerve or nerve group. The condition can affect any nerve in the body but usually affects those in the feet and the legs.

The femoral nerve is responsible for supplying the muscles that helps straighten the leg. Once an individual sustained femoral nerve damage, heat therapy specifically low-level infrared can be used which involves the use of a low-energy laser to help reverse the symptoms of neuropathy.

Close look on nerve damage

If the individual sustained damage to one nerve specifically the femoral nerve, it is medically called as mononeuropathy. Compression, direct trauma or prolonged pressure can lead to femoral nerve damage.

The individual can experience changes in the sensation in the legs, knees or thighs such as tingling or numbness. In addition, weakness in the affected leg occurs which makes it a challenge for the individual to go up and down stairs.

Femoral nerve damage
The condition can affect any nerve in the body but usually affects those in the feet and the legs.

What is heat therapy?

Due to the lack of evidence or proof regarding the effectiveness of heat therapy for femoral nerve damage or neuropathy, it is still considered as an experimental form of treatment.

In studies conducted, the laser used in the therapy promotes increased circulation as well as stimulating the release of nitric oxide which reduces pain and promote the healing process. Nevertheless, there are no available published studies that assess the safety and effectiveness of heat therapy involving low-level infrared in managing nerve damage.

What to expect

The doctor will refer the individual to a physical therapist for infrared heat therapy. The therapy will check the condition of the individual and determine the required sessions. This usually depends on the severity of the femoral nerve damage.

Take note that infrared heat therapy will not cause pain. The individual can feel the sensation of warmth from the infrared lights which is similar to a tanning bed with low heat level.

Considerations to bear in mind

In case the cause of the femoral nerve damage is determined and managed, it is possible for the individual to recover completely.

The doctor might prescribe pain medications if needed. The objective of the treatment is to reduce the pain and improve the movement of the affected leg. In most cases, a leg brace is beneficial while walking if required. Physical therapy can help strengthen the leg during healing. In addition, corticosteroids might be given to minimize the inflammation.

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