Nummular eczema: Ideal home remedies

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Nummular eczema is described as reddened, coin-shaped spots on the body. The treatment is the same with the other forms of eczema which focuses mainly on skin healing, itchiness relief and lessening the inflammation. A doctor should be consulted before utilizing any home remedy as treatment.

Herbal creams for nummular eczema

There are herbs available in topical creams and salves that can be used to manage the irritation and itchiness triggered by various forms of eczema with chamomile cream being reported to provide promising results.

The treatment is the same with the other forms of eczema which focuses mainly on skin healing, itchiness relief and lessening the inflammation.

Other herbs that might ease the signs of nummular eczema include chickweed, licorice, witch hazel, St. John’s wort and sarsaparilla. Just take note though that herbs can trigger adverse effects and can interact with other drugs. It is best to consult a doctor first before using them.

Nutritional measures

Dietary changes and supplements can help lessen the symptoms of eczema. It is vital to avoid foods that trigger allergies such as wheat, dairy and peanuts.

The foods that cause inflammation must be avoided such as refined foods, meats and sugar as well. Fish oil supplements are also beneficial as well as vitamin C and flavonoid supplements such as quercetin or catechin. A doctor should be consulted on suggestions on how to include dietary changes and supplements to the treatment for nummular eczema.

Bleach bath

The itchiness linked with nummular eczema and other variants can trigger the urge to scratch. This increases the risk for infection due to the presence of microorganism on the skin surface.

It is recommended to prepare a bath using diluted bleach solution to lower the risk for infection among those with nummular eczema. The bath can be repeated 2 or 3 times in a week or as instructed by the doctor.

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