What is cervical spondylosis?

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Cervical spondylosis is commonly known as neck pain which is brought about by wear and tear to the tissues and bones by the aging process.

The usual indications of cervical spondylosis include neck pain and stiffness as well as a headache. In rare instances, it can ensnare the neck nerves which leads to the following:

  • Radiating pain from the arms
  • Coordination loss and difficulty walking
  • Pins and needles sensation in the legs and arms
  • Loss of sensation in the legs and hands
    The usual indications of cervical spondylosis include neck pain and stiffness as well as a headache.

Nevertheless, many individuals with the condition do not have any evident symptoms.

What are the causes?

As one ages, the effects of aging and daily use lead to the wearing out of the joints and tissues comprising the spine.

Within the joints, there is a continuous process of wear and tear as the joints adjust to the stress and strain of daily life. It is important to note that cervical spondylosis arises if the balance of wear and repair is lost which results to discomfort and rigidity in the neck.

Management of cervical spondylosis

Generally, the indications of cervical spondylosis can be alleviated with a combination of the following:

In some cases, surgery might be necessary to get rid or fix a damaged region of the cervical spine.

What is the outlook?

The outlook for most cases of cervical spondylosis is generally good. In most instances, an individual with cervical spondylosis responds properly to treatment in a few weeks but it might be likely for the symptoms to recur after some time.

In some cases, the condition might progress to chronic neck pain or discomfort.

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