S. Garden

Sarah Garden is a physician specializing on pediatrics with a passion for writing. Even as a struggling student, she spends her free time as a contributor for a variety of online sources of health-related topics. As a healthcare provider, she ensures that each client is properly cared for along with advice on maintaining good health. With years of experience in the medical field, Sarah Garden eagerly shares her knowledge of healthcare specifically on first aid care for children.

What are the signs and symptoms of corn allergy?

Corn allergy is capable of causing a wide-range of problems for highly sensitive individuals since many food products in the market contain corn starch and corn-based sweeteners. Aside from an allergic reaction that develops after eating corn on the cob, an individual can also get sick after ingesting foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup or

What are the signs and symptoms of corn allergy? Read More »

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