Measures to provide relief to golfer’s elbow pain

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Golfer’s elbow involves pain triggered by the inflammation of the tendons on the interior part of the elbow. Just like with tennis elbow which affects the exterior part of the elbow, the condition does not only affect those who play golfers but any individual who repeatedly use their fingers and twists their wrists.

Over time, the pain can spread to the rest of the arm, affecting the wrist and forearm. As long as proper care is provided, this condition can be managed while relieving the discomfort and allowing the individual to use his/her arm to its full potential again. You can enroll in a first aid course today so that you will learn the appropriate measures to use for this condition.

Steps in managing golfer’s elbow

Golfer's elbow
Apply an ice pack on the interior side of the elbow for at least 15 minutes at several times in a day.
  • You can provide the individual with over-the-counter pain medications to help reduce the pain such as ibuprofen. Make sure that you have read carefully and follow the instructions for the dosage. When in doubt or unsure, it is best to consult a doctor so that the proper medication can be prescribed.
  • The affected arm must be allowed to rest by instructing the individual to take some time away from any activity that triggered the pain such as playing golf or repetitive tasks at work. The individual should try to use the affected arm less during daily activities. It is also best to wrap an elastic bandage on the affected elbow and use a forearm strap to keep the arm from moving for some time.
  • Apply an ice pack on the interior side of the elbow for at least 15 minutes at several times in a day. When this measure is provided, make sure that the skin is protected from the cold temperature by wrapping the ice pack with a clean towel or cloth. An alternative is to use a bag of frozen vegetables on the affected elbow.
  • The affected area must be massaged using the fingers to help promote the flow of blood through the area as well as relieve the discomfort. This must be done as often as possible for relief.
  • The individual should be encouraged to move his/her arm in the manner that caused it be sore in the first place until there is no pain anymore. In case playing golf is the cause for the pain, the individual should practice the game with slow golf swings without using a golf club. Make sure that the individual will ease the arm back into a swing steadily in order to avoid overdoing it. This must be done for 10-20 minutes every day but stop if it causes pain.

It is best to consult a doctor if the individual is suffering from persistent golfer’s elbow pain. The doctor might prescribe certain medications or recommend physical therapy. In severe cases, surgical intervention might be required.

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