Ulcerative colitis: What should I know?

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Ulcerative colitis is an enduring condition in which the colon and rectum is swollen. Generally, small-sized ulcers form on the lining of the colon and might even bleed and drain pus.


The main indications of ulcerative colitis include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Recurring episodes of diarrhea might include mucus, blood or pus
  • Urge to empty the bowels frequently
    The severity of the symptoms tends to vary depending on the extent of the rectum and colon inflamed as well as the severity of the inflammation.

The individual might also experience fatigue, appetite loss and weight loss. The severity of the symptoms tends to vary depending on the extent of the rectum and colon inflamed as well as the severity of the inflammation. In some individuals, the condition has a big impact on daily life.

Management of ulcerative colitis

The treatment for ulcerative colitis is aimed on alleviating the symptoms during a flare-up and prevent the symptoms from recurring. Generally, this is achieved by taking medication such as:

The mild to moderate flare-ups are typically managed at home. Nevertheless, more severe flare-ups should be treated in a healthcare to lessen the risk for serious complications such as stretching and enlargement of the colon or development of large-sized ulcers.

In case medications are not effective in controlling the symptoms or the quality of life is drastically affected by the condition, surgery is performed to remove the colon. This might be a potential option.

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